Wednesday, January 31, 2007


So after having a good "Christmas" weekend. I did a workout today, all cardio.

I wanted to check my weight this morning to see if I had water retention from this past weekend and I was already down the 2 lbs that I had gained over the weekend.

Time: 30 minutes
Level: 6

Time: 10 minutes
Incline: 5.0% to 10.0%
Speed: 2.9 to 3.2

Swim: 4 x 25
Pull: 4 x 25

Jacuzzi: 10 minutes

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Weight: 309

Today was a weigh in day. Gained 2 lbs from this weekend.

No workout.

The Weekend Blues

Nothing went right, the eating habits and exercising went out the window. I was active playing outside in the snow with the kids and swimming in the pool but nothing that would consitute a workout.

It all started with the drive there, I cut through Canada to get to Western New York normally takes about 3 to 4 hours but because of the snow and rush hour in Hamilton, Ontario, we added another 2 hours. Not only did we get in late but we didnt eat until late.

I ate okay but there was no exercise at all. Time to get back on my horse and get going along.

Friday, January 26, 2007


This weekend I am goint out of town to western New York to see the family actually to celebrate Christmas. I am staying at a hotel that has access to a gym but last time I was there most of the equipment was in poor condition. So if the equipment is fixed I will be working out. Also, I'm not sure of internet access so I may have to update my workouts when I get back.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


When I first started this I didnt really have quality goals, that has now changed.

300 by 2-1-07
280 by 3-1-07
265 by 4-1-07

Training program begins for Motorcity Triathlon, June 24th. Running and biking outside will be easier and more enjoyable than it is now, very cold outside.


Today was a cardio kind of day. I only had about 1 1/2 hrs to do a workout and I wanted to get the most out of it.

Time: 45 minutes
Level: 6/7

Time: 15 minutes
Incline: Started at 5.0 and then midway through the workout went 10.0
Speed: 2.8 - 4.0 mph

Jacuzzi: 10 minutes

Average heart rate: 139
Calories: 828

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Crazy week

This week has been absolutely crazy. Monday I did do a workout but because of a family emergency, my workout was cut short real short.


Time: 30 minutes
Level: 6/7

Average heart rate: 139
Calories: 309

Tuesday there was no workout. I will be hitting the gym a little later tonight.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Great Way to end the week

So yesterday I took a day off for some rest which was needed. I find that if I workout every day that eventually I burn myself out, so taking time off is good for me wanting to succeed.

Well todays workout was with my buddy who pushed my ass into the ground the other day. Those types of workouts are great. Working out with a buddy does a couple of things for me - 1) allows me to lift heavier weights and 2) he doesnt let me slack during workouts.

We worked mostly lower body, some upper body and cardio. The only problem is that my right shoulder is still very sore, so I couldnt lift the heavier weights with my shoulder.

Weight Training

Lower Body

Hamstrings: 30 x 12, 35 x 12, 35 x 12

Hamstrings: Alternating leg: 15 x 12, 15 x 12, 20 x 12

Leg Curl: 65 x 12, 80 x 12, 90 x 12

Calfs: 130 x 15, 140 x 12, 160 x 12

Squats: 180 x 12, 190 x 12, 200 x 12

Upper body

Incline press: 10 x 12, 10 x 12, 10 x 12

Bench: 55 x 12, 75 x 12, 85 x 12, 95 x 12

Pushups: 1


Stair Master:
Time: 10 minutes
Level: Started at level 1 then every 20 seconds moved up 1 level until level 8, went backwards to level 1, for 10 minutes.

Time: 10 minutes
Incline: 10.0

Average heart rate: 149
Calories burned: 1058

Saturday, January 20, 2007


No workout today. Needed a break, my shoulder is a little sore from the other day.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Hard day

Today was a rather difficult day, one of the officers I work with retired today and they had cake the good cake, I had a small piece.

I did workout and sweated up a storm.

Time: 40 minutes
Resistance: Level 6/7

Average Heart Rate: 142
Calories: 584

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Today is a day of rest. My arms are a little sore but in general I feel pretty good. I have noticed that my energy levels are a little higher since working out. Makes for getting out of bed in the morning alot easier.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A good finish to a terrible day

Let me start by saying that the day started out completely wrong, I need to do 3 things today and nothing went right. I wanted to attend the 9:15 spin class at Lifetime Fitness in Shelby Township, I left at 8:30 and showed up 10 minutes late because of an old guy who couldnt do the speed limit. The class was full no bikes left. I eventually made to the gym a little later in the day.

My workout involved working with a buddy who pushed me into the ground, it felt good to have someone to workout with. His intesity was off the charts and I was pushed about the hardest I have been pushed in awhile.

The workout consisted of weight training and some cardio.


65 x 15
85 x 15
95 x 15

Chest Press:
10 x 15
10 x 10
10 x 10

Biceps: Curls
40 x 15
50 x 15
50 x 15

Biceps: Hammers
15 x 12
20 x 12
20 x 12

Shoulder: Shrugs
50 x 10
50 x 10
60 x 10

Triceps: Pull Downs
30 x 15
50 x 15
60 x 15

Reverse Crunches: 30
Side Bends: Right 10 with 10 lbs
Side Bends: Left 10 with 10 lbs


Stair Glider:
Time: 10 minutes
Resistance: increase 5 every min

Time: 10 minutes
Incline: 10.0
Speed: 2.5 - 5.0 mph

Heart Rate: 146 average
Calories: 996

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Weigh In

Weight: 309

Today was my weigh in and I'm not really happy, dropped a pound, yep you heard me 1 lb. I know its better than gaining weight but still is not good. I can only blame myself for the lack luster weight loss. I can look at the fact that I just started going back to the gym, instead of sitting on the couch eating. I'm eating better than I was, less junk food and I cut the amount of pop, now the headaches are kicking in.

Today is a day off from working out but that might change. Tomorrow is a long workout with a spin class and then some weight training.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Cardio workout

AHHHHHHH! What a workout today, I did nothing but cardio and even though I was sucking wind at the end, it felt good.

Time: 30 minutes
Level: 6/7/8 - gradual increase over time.

Treadmill:Time: 15 minutes
Incline: 0.5
Distance: 0.65 miles

Average heart rate 129. That was for the 2 exercises above, I do not wear a heart rate monitor when I swim.

Pool: 1 lap = 25 yds
Swim: 6 x 25 yds
Kick: 10 x 25 yds
Pull: 6 x 25 yds
Total: 550 yds

Jacuzzi: 10 minutes

The last exercise that I did was swimming. Not only was I sucking wind but I was also drinking some pool water but thats okay. There are some things that I have to remember to do or work on while swimming. Such as breathing from both sides, wear heavier shorts for more drag and improve swimming technique.

I need to clarify myself a little better about starting a training program in April/May. The program that I want to do is a 6 week training program to prepare myself for MotorCity Triathlon in June, this program is pretty structured. I will be still doing my workouts aimed at weight loss. I plan on incorporating weights into my training to help with building strength for swimming and for weight loss, I have been told the current in the Detroit River isn't that strong but because this will be my first attempt in open water swimming I need to be ready for anything.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


The one thing that I have learned over the years with weight loss is that it is about commiment to changing your behavior in the way you eat and go about life.

I have tried many avenues for weight loss, Medical Weight Loss, Atkins, South Beach, the chicken wing pizza diet and cutting calories. Every time I start something I go balls out, which means I eventually fail. Then crash and burn, eating everything in sight.

Cutting calories with exericse works the best for me but this time I am going to try something different. I'm going to gradually cut back on my calories like last night, I drank my last pop for awhile. Even though I drink Diet Pop, I drink alot of it mainly for the caffeine. I'm also going to yank out my "sweet tooth".

So for the next 3 to 4 months my goal is to loose as much weight. Starting in May I am going to start a training program. The training program is for the MotorCity Triathlon, June 24, 2007 at Belle Isle.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Saturday Workout

Alright so today I went to work with my workout clothes but had no intention of really working out but I did anyway. I get an hour for lunch and normally sleep or watch t.v.


Time: 30 Minutes
Level: 7

Time: 15 minutes
Incline: 0.5%
Speed: 4.0 mph

Average Heart Rate: 145

Friday, January 12, 2007

Method to my Madness

I plan on using diet and exercise to achieve my goals.


By far the most difficult for me. I am a big time junk food junkie, gotta have my cake, chocolate peanut butter and anything that is sweet! There are many things that need to be cut out of my diet but pop is the worst. I drink pop with just about every meal even though it gives me hiccups and causes me asperiate my food. I want to get my calorie intake down to around 2000 - 2200 calories.


I belong to a gym that has basically everything that I could ever want or need. I have available to me cardio classes, lap pool, free and machine weights, treadmills, stair steppers, bikes, etc. I plan on doing alot of cardio and some weight training to help with the weight loss.

My idea of cardio during the winter months will involve many laps in the swimming pool. Lap swimming will include many kicks using a kickboard, pulls using a pull bouy, and just plain old lap swimming. Treadmill work for running. Bike riding is rather difficult while its snowing so I am going to use the incumbent bikes and a spin class to help increase the heart rate.

Some weight training is just going to be used but nothing to heavy. I'm not trying to win a weight lifting contest but I am trying to dump weight.

Welcome to Gut-B-Gone

Wow its that time of the year where we all choose our New Years Resolutions. I have chosen mine and it is the favorite loose weight. This year is rather easy, well not easy but eaiser to accomplish. I have the support of family and friends.