Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Weekend Blues

Nothing went right, the eating habits and exercising went out the window. I was active playing outside in the snow with the kids and swimming in the pool but nothing that would consitute a workout.

It all started with the drive there, I cut through Canada to get to Western New York normally takes about 3 to 4 hours but because of the snow and rush hour in Hamilton, Ontario, we added another 2 hours. Not only did we get in late but we didnt eat until late.

I ate okay but there was no exercise at all. Time to get back on my horse and get going along.


Anonymous said...

Did you have a good family Christmas?

It's frustrating when you set out to eat right no matter what and work out every day...then reality hits. This stuff is going to happen - just don't let it get you down. Get right back up and keep going once it's over. This is a lifestyle. These kinds of things are going to happen - it's how you react to them that determines whether or not you succeed.

Glad to have you back, Mark. ;)

Rob Tucker said...

As Beck says, "life happens". You're aware, you're not falling off the wagon and eating large pizzas behind the scenes, and you were at least active. Back on the horse!