Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Weighed myself this morning, not at my normally time, much earlier in the morning. I weighed myself right after I went to the bathroom like most people do and just before jumping into the shower. Basically in my birthday suit.

I have been feeling pretty good this week pants are a little loose, belt is bigger, my appiete is not as strong. I have been working on my snack machine binges, nadda one this week, no pop for 3 days.

MY WEIGHT WAS 320 LBS! NOT EVEN POSSIBLE. At this point I am blaming my scale for the terroristic thoughts. I have had the scale for almost 4 years and haven't changed the batteries. For the sake of the scale it better be the batteries or I am about ready to throw that bastard out the window to a horror filled death.

There is no way possible I gained 11 lbs in one week. I would have to eat a large pizza for every meal and wash it down with a bag of cotton candy and 5 gallons of pop.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

No, you probably didn't gain that much weight in 1 week. Perhaps its retained water, if you ate salty stuff. Or, it could be your scale. Very possible, since you haven't changed the batteries in years. But, I've found that weighing myself earlier or later can make a pretty noticeable difference in my weight - 1 to 3 lbs.