Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fat Tuesday

Weigh In: 303 lbs

Today might be the last day to consume all your favorite things in preparation for Lent. Its almost like a National-Lets-Get-Fat Day. I had a Fat Thursday last week where I had gained 7 lbs in 2 days, I'm not sure how I accomplished that but with good news I have lost 8 lbs. My new weight for the week is 303 down 1 lb.

Have a good day!


Rob Tucker said...

Those weight fluxuation can be frustrating as hell. That's why the whole 5-day thing is saving my hide. Bottom line is, you're down a pound. Nice work :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, 5-day is awesome! It sucks sometimes, but it keeps you sane in the end!

Great job. Keep up the good work!