Sunday, February 18, 2007

Food Consumption

I wanted to take a moment and share what it is that I am eating for today.

Honey Nut Cherrios - 110 calories - 1 cup
Skim Milk - 45 cal - 4 oz
Sweet&Salty Granola Bar - 170 cal - 1 bar
Diet Coke - 0 cal - 20 oz
Water - 66 oz
Italian Bread - 80 cal - 2 slices
Peanut Butter - 190 cal - 2 tbs
Strawberry Jam (Homemade) - 111 cal
Orange - 62 cal
Whole potatoes - small
chicken/garlic sausage - 1 1/2 links
skim milk - 90 cal - 1 cup

****forgot some food*****
2 cups lettuce
7 cherry tomatoes
1/4 cup of Light Done Right Italian salad dressing
1 tbs of bacon bits

I used Fitday to give me a count. Not sure of how close the count actually is only because the Chicken/garlic sausage was a reduced calorie and not listed in fitday.


billy said...

Is that all you're eating for the day? I would tell you you should probably eat more, but my latest tendency is to shun the latest dieting information in favor of what works for people personally.

So, good luck with your very low calorie intake!

billy said...

OK, aside from what I said I will say this:

You aren't eating any vegetables, dude! One orange is not going to cut it, and that's not the latest dietary info, that's good old fashioned common sense ;)